JDHS Video Program
JDHS Video Program

JDHS Daily Bulletin

Got a news tip for JDTV News?
Email us: news@jdhsvideo.org

The JDHS Video Program is made possible by the following generous supporters:
Please help us thank these companies and individuals for their continuing support of the JDHS Video Program!

©2025 - JDHS Video Program
Go Bears!
Sunday Jan. 26th 2025


JDTV News is JDHS's very own student produced TV News show that airs in the JDHS commons and to thousands of homes across Juneau on GCI Cable Channel 6.

The 10 minute show is new every Friday and airs at the following times:

The show is produced by the 0-hour Video Production class in the JDHS TV Studio (room 119). Our studio has windows to the hall, so feel free to stop by and watch a broadcast. We also regularly have guests in the studio and even on the show.

Much of our news comes from the Bulletin and what our student producers hear about through "the grape-vine".
If you have a news tip or a story idea, please send our news crew an email at: news@jdhsvideo.org or shoot us a note on Twitter!