JDHS Video Program
JDHS Video Program

JDHS Daily Bulletin

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©2025 - JDHS Video Program
Go Bears!
Sunday Jan. 26th 2025

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JDHS Video Production - Studio Crew Duties

Director Duties:

Don't panic, and always know where your plan-B is.

When things go wrong, the crew will look (and listen) to you for direction. Always know what's next and what your other options are should there be a problem. Don't linger on mistakes, but find a solution and move on. You can review mistakes later and learn for next time. If you are a calm and collected leader, the crew will follow you though anything; if you lose control of yourself, you also lose the crew you depend on and everything falls apart. Relax.

Audio Mixer Duties:

Have ONLY the mic of the person currently talking turned up to Unity.

This prevents an echo caused by other mics that are unnecessarily open. Normally backing off a co-hosts mic to about -10dB is enough to kill the echo.

DDR Operator Duties:

Call out 15 seconds nice and loud.

This gives the Director enough time to warn the cameras and the Floor Director time to properly cue the Talent. Talent don't like to get "burned" by being caught off guard, it makes them and the whole show look bad.

Video Mixer / TD Duties:

Always have the next source on "Preview" as soon as possible.

Directors tend to get nervous when they can't see the next source on the Preview monitor. Staying one step ahead of the action with the preview monitor tells the Director that you are on top of things and gives you time to spot any problems with the next shot. A Director that knows what's coming next is a happy director.

CG / Graphics Operator Duties:

Always have the next graphic pre-selected in the edit window.

This allows you to simply click "LIVE" (Or hit [F9]) to send it over to the VT. This allows you to check the graphic one more time for correctness before it goes to air. And staying one step ahead of the production can save you when there's a surprise.

Teleprompter Operator Duties:

Keep the text being read at the "Read Maker" arrow while scrolling.

This keeps a line or two of text on the screen should the talent stumble and need to repeat a few words, but also shows enough text ahead that the hosts can see any punctuation or transitions coming up and speak accordingly.

Camera Operator Duties:

When moving your camera; keep the prompter pointed at the talent.

If you are moving during a "Voice Over" read, the talent may still be reading from your prompter, even if your camera isn't on air! Also don't bump your camera when it's on air - and bumping the other camera is considered rude, watch your wheels when you move!

Floor Director Duties:

You should be standing next to whatever camera is up next.

This way you are ready to cue the talent from the right place, and your presence helps re-affirm to the talent where they should be looking next. If they are looking to you for their cue, they are less likely to look at the wrong camera.

Talent Duties:

Always be professional when wearing a Mic or in front of a camera!

You never know when a mic may be turned on; don't ever say anything inappropriate. Many careers have ended because of something said when someone thought their mic wasn't on. And it only takes one wrong button to put a camera on air without warning: being caught slouching at the desk picking your nose is extremely embarrassing!